Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What a Surprise: Poles are Worrying about a New German Conquest

In response to the largely German driven takeover of Greece, Polish support for joining the Euro has fallen off a cliff:
Once, it was an exclusive club that nearly all of Europe aspired to join. Now, in the wake of Greece’s latest financial crisis and the hard-line response from many of the Continent’s powers, becoming a partner in the European common currency seems less and less appealing to many of the countries lined up for their chance.

From Poland to the Czech Republic to Hungary and points farther south and east, joining the euro is increasingly seen as rife with risks and costs — including a substantial surrender of sovereignty — that outweigh the benefits. And while many of the countries that have not yet adopted the single currency had doubts before the Greek crisis flared, the heavy penalties incurred by Athens to stay in the eurozone have made the trade-offs even clearer and the political leanings against membership more pronounced.

The qualms about partnership in the currency raise further questions about the ability of the European Union to maintain momentum toward its long-held and oft-stated goal of ever-closer union. More than any other policy, the single currency was intended to bind the members economically and politically while reducing the chances of conflict, and the decline in enthusiasm for the union has tracked a more general reassessment of European integration.

The doubts are now playing out primarily in the countries that most recently joined the European Union, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe. Lithuania became the 19th and newest adopter of the euro in January.


With such political attitudes hardening, the prospect of Poland’s or any other country’s adopting the euro anytime soon appears quite remote, said Sebastian Plociennik, an analyst for the Polish Institute of International Affairs who focuses on European integration and economic issues.
This is not a surprise.

The EU was all about preventing another horrific war in Europe, particularly another attempt by Germany to conquer Europe.

So now, other nations which bound by treaty to join the Euro at an indeterminate time are thinking that the proper time is, "When hell freezes over."

This has set back EU integration, and Euro adoption by decades.

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