Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Well, I Don't Give to NPR Anyway

My brother made an interesting observation about the NPR obituary for Theodore Bikel: There was no mention whatsoever of the fact that Bikel was Jewish:
There is a word missing from NPR's obituary for Theodore Bikel (Theodore Bikel, Who Starred In Broadway's 'Fiddler On The Roof,' Dies).

That Jew. Or for the squeamish, Jewish.

The piece was delivered (and one assumes written) by Lynn Neary, described as having" develop[ed] NPR's first religion beat. [And] As religion correspondent....covered the country's diverse religious landscape".


The closest NPR came to hinting that Bikel might have a Jewish connection was that his family fled Vienna to the Palenstine Mandate. All NPR chose to say was that Bikel's family fled.

I am curious why it was so hard for NPR to say the word Jew, or even Jewish?
It is interesting.

I will note that I have been leery of NPR's religion beat reporters since the ties between NPR religion reporter Barbara Bradley Hagerty and the religious right hit the blogosphere over a decade ago.

Please note, I don't think that there is some sort of secret agenda in what NPR is doing here:  I think that public broadcasting is being driven by their abject terror of what the Congressional Republicans might do to them.

It's been that way since Gingrich was speaker.

One final note:  Nice catch by my bro.  I missed the omission completely.

Aka Stephen Saroff      o o  The Bear who Swims      
oo oo

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