Tuesday, July 28, 2015

F%$# Me, I Agree with Donald Trump

On Monday, Trump fired off a tweet telling Rattner: "I think you should have gone to prison for what you did, I guess Obama saved you."

He ended the tweet telling Rattner to watch: "I will win!"

It was unclear what activity Trump was referring to that should have landed Rattner in jail. Trump did not respond to CNNMoney's request for comment.

In 2010, Rattner did pay $10 million in fines when he settled with the New York state attorney general for his alleged involvement in a pension fund scheme. While Rattner was never charged criminally, some others who were involved in the same scheme, such as former New York comptroller Alan Hevesi, did not.
Yes, he should have gone to jail.

Much like a stopped calendar, Donald Trump is right once a year.

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