Saturday, June 13, 2015

What Are the Limits of Political Activism by an Employee?

A few days ago, I wrote of a Texas elementary school teacher, who, in response to the police officer abusing black teens in McKinney, suggested that the reinstitution of segregation might be a good thing.

I just learned that this teacher, Karen Fitzgibbons, has been fired.

Good news everyone!

I invented a device that makes you read this in your head using my voice!
My first reaction is that the Professor Farnsworth quote, "Good News, Everyone."

Certainly, I don't want any children taught by an open racist, which Ms. Fitzgibbons post clearly indicates.

On the other hand, it is profoundly worrying when a public employee is fired for expressing their political views as a private citizen, no matter how abhorrent.

In this case, I think that the firing is justified, I think that she no longer had the credibility required to deal with students and their parents, and any decision made regarding minorities in her class would naturally be suspect.

I do hope that the school district is reviewing any disciplinary actions involving minorities.

Skepticism of her entire career as an educator is justified.

1 comment:

  1. From

    'Holmes upheld the right of a township to discharge a police officer for undesirable political activity. ‘‘The petitioner may have a constitutional right to talk politics,’’ Holmes wrote, ‘‘but he has no right to be a policeman.’’ '
