Thursday, June 11, 2015

F%$# Them if They Can't Take a Joke

Sepp Blatter is still running FIFA, and he just fired FIFA's public relations weasel for telling a very funny joke about the current scandal:
Fifa communications director Walter De Gregorio has been sacked after sealing his fate with a joke about the governing body on Swiss TV.

Gregorio told Swiss chat show Schawinski: "The Fifa president, secretary general and communications director are all travelling in a car. Who's driving? The police."

Fifa announced in a statement that De Gregorio had "relinquished his office".

But the BBC understands he was asked to leave by president Sepp Blatter.
Sorry, but this is funny, and Sepp Blatter is such a delicate flower.

It's amazing how sensitive corrupt bureaucrats are.

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