Thursday, May 28, 2015

And the Veto is Overridden………

The Nebraska legislature just overrode the Governor's veto, so the state has abolished the death penalty:
Nebraska on Wednesday became the seventh state since 2007 to scrap the death penalty, the latest sign of weakening support for capital punishment in statehouses across the country.

The move was driven by a bipartisan group of legislators, who argued that the death penalty had grown inefficient and ineffective. Nebraska hadn’t executed anyone since 1997, and until recently had struggled to get the drugs needed to carry out executions.

On Tuesday, Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts—who lobbied to retain capital punishment in the state—vetoed a bill that would make a life sentence the stiffest available criminal penalty in the state.

But Wednesday afternoon, the state’s legislative house voted 30-19 to override the governor’s veto.

Sixteen Republicans joined with 13 Democrats and one independent in support of the override. All 19 votes in support of Mr. Ricketts’ veto were lodged by Republicans.
I was surprised at the initial vote, and I am surprised at the override, but it's a good kind of surprise.

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