Sunday, March 15, 2015

Reality Sets in at Foggy Bottom

Secretary of State John Kerry has admitted that the US will have to negotiate with the Assad regime:
The United States will have to negotiate with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for a political transition in Syria and is exploring ways to pressure him into agreeing to talks, US Secretary of State John Kerry told CBS News in an interview.

Washington has long insisted that Assad must be replaced through a negotiated, political transition, but the rise of a common enemy, hardline militant group Islamic State, appears to have slightly softened the West's stance towards him.

In the interview broadcast on Sunday, Kerry did not repeat the standard US line that Assad had lost all legitimacy and had to go. Syria's civil war is now into its fifth year, with hundreds of thousands killed and millions of Syrians displaced.

"We have to negotiate in the end," Kerry said. "We've always been willing to negotiate in the context of the Geneva I process," he added, referring to a 2012 conference which called for a negotiated transition to end the conflict.
This, and maybe putting a cap in the ass of Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who is the single most responsible for creating ISIS.

The US is under no obligation to support the House of Saud's great game against Shia Muslims.

It's not our fight, and, quite honestly, as bad as the Iranian regime is, Riyadh is worse.

I will remind anyone who is unclear on the concept that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, and 0 of the 19 were Iranian.

So tell me again, which regime is a threat to national security?

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