Friday, March 13, 2015

Pass the Popcorn

Pass the Popcorn
Glenn Beck is on a Jihad to expel Grover Norquist from the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association for ties to the Muslim Brotherhood:
The war is raging between the rabid Islamophobe Republicans and the Tax-Hating Republicans, with Glenn Beck acting as the provocateur.

Earlier this week, Beck threatened to pull all of his support from the NRA if Grover Norquist was allowed to retain his seat on the board, calling Grover a "very, very bad man."

I might be inclined to agree with the "very, very bad man" pronouncement, but not for the same reasons Beck has. Glenny has allowed his pal Frank Gaffney to convince him that Grover Norquist is really a secret agent for the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore Grover must leave the NRA board before he infiltrates it with secret Muslim cooties.
"I will tell you that I am so concerned about this," Beck said, "and I hope that the leadership of the NRA hears this and every member of the NRA hears this, that if this man is elected, or re-elected, and confirmed on the board of the NRA, I may drop my membership in the NRA. I am that concerned that he is a very bad influence and a very bad man that if this is who the NRA decides to put on their board of directors, I don't think I can be associated with them."
After tossing the lit match onto the haystack, the NRA was inundated by outraged wingnuts demanding to know why they had an Agent of Evil on their board. To appease Beck and his insane viewers, Wayne LaPierre agreed to hold an ethics investigation. Oh, the blind leading the blind.
Glenn Beck is wrong, of course.

Grover Norquist is not a secret agent for anyone. 

He's a whore for whoever has the money,  so unless the Muslim Brotherhood had gotten together enough scratch for his 6 figure retainer, there is no possibility that he will do anything for them.

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