Thursday, March 12, 2015

FCC Net Neutrality Order Rolls Out

Seriously. What can I do but point you to the telecommunications regulatory deity Harold Feld comments regarding the final rule.

The short version of this is:
  • The rules go to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for a review under the paperwork reduction act, but this likely just a formality, taking 1-2 weeks.
  • The rule should be published in the Federal Register in the next 2-6 weeks.
  • It will technically go into effect 60 days after publication.
  • Law suits will almost certainly be filed after publication in the Federal Register and before it takes effect, and it is also likely that litigants against the FCC would request an injunction.
  • The court hearing this will likely be the DC Circuit.
My guess is that would end up at the Supreme Court, though SCOTUS might simply refuse to hear the case, and let the district or appellate court decision stand.

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