Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I May Have Been Wrong About Former Cable Company Lobbyist Tom Wheeler

It now appears that the FCC will preempt bans on municipal broadband, and rule that broadband service is a telecommunications service, preserving net neutrality:
A Federal Communications Commission proposal to preempt state laws that harm municipal broadband projects are being made official this week, with Chairman Tom Wheeler circulating a draft decision to his fellow commissioners, The Washington Post reported today. The commissioners are expected to vote on the matter on February 26, the same day they are likely to vote for new net neutrality rules.

Municipal broadband operators in Tennessee and North Carolina petitioned the FCC to preempt state laws that prevent them from expanding to nearby communities that want Internet service. Wheeler plans to invoke the FCC's authority to remove barriers that prevent broadband investment and competition.
The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission this week is widely expected to propose regulating Internet service like a public utility, a move certain to unleash another round of intense debate and lobbying about how to ensure so-called net neutrality, or an open Internet.

It is expected that the proposal will reclassify high-speed Internet service as a telecommunications service, instead of an information service, under Title II of the Communications Act, according to industry analysts, lobbyists and former F.C.C. staff members.

The change, the analysts and others say, which has been pushed by President Obama, would give the commission strong legal authority to ensure that no content is blocked and no so-called pay-to-play fast lanes exist — prohibitions that are hallmarks of the net neutrality concept.
I had figured that Wheeler was another Obama revolving door sellout.

While this is not a done deal, and the devil is, as always, in the details, I am pleasantly surprised.

Also, thanks to the FOUR MILLION people who made their voices heard against "Cable Company F%$#ery".

This would not have happened without them.

1 comment:

  1. Call me a cynic, but I suspect that there's a done deal somewhere in the shadows. Probably Wheeler has been given the word that Congress is going to give the internet to Comcast et Alia, and Obama will sign the bill. The people have spoken!
