Monday, February 2, 2015

Buy a Truck, Because Your Penis is Too Small

Advertising, Exploiting People with Insecurity About Their Manhood for more than a Century
In the conflation of automobiles and manhood that is the American car advertisement, the latest GM ad, which doesn't even bother making the juxtaposition between one's choice in transportation and one's manhood, and they pretty explicitly state it.

The video attached shows hoe they bring in a "focus group" of young women who look at pictures, and they universally find the guy in front of a truck sexier than the same guy in front of a hatchback.

First, they obviously had to find a group of women dumb enough not to think, "Hey, these are the same guys?  Are you trying to imply that I am a vacuous shallow bitch?"

Seriously. Just how tiny does a potential car buyer's penis have to be for this ad to work?

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