Monday, January 26, 2015

BTW, Those People Saying that Greece has no Leverage? It's Bullsh%$

Greece, the only Eastern Orthodox Christian nation in the Eurozone, has a number of close cultural ties to Russia.

What's more, Russian tourism, which has been hurt by sanctions, is a big part of their economy.

It is not in Greece's national interest to extend the sanctions, and I expect the new PM, and whoever ends up his Foreign Minister are likely to make this clear on any negotiations with the ECB and EU:
The first test for Syriza would be its stance toward European sanctions on Russia. EU measures including curbs on financing for Russian state-owned banks and a ban on the export of sophisticated energy-exploration equipment will lapse in July unless renewed unanimously by the 28 EU governments.
July is the same deadline for the continuation for Greece's bailout.

I'm pretty sure that Greece could get a decent deal from Russia if it voted against sanctions.

Smells like leverage to me.

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