Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Reviewing Stories Over the Past Year, This One Wins the Award for Best "A Good Start"

I did not notice this story when the Global Post published it in April, but when they republished the fact that Vietnam is executing corrupt bankers, I felt kind of jealous:
Editor's note: This story was first published on April 3, 2014. GlobalPost is featuring it again as one of our must-reads of 2014.

BANGKOK — For the most part, American bankers whose rash pursuit of profit brought on the 2008 global financial collapse didn’t get indicted. They got bonuses.
Odds are that scandal would have played out differently in Vietnam, another nation struggling with misbehaving bankers.

The authoritarian Southeast Asian state doesn’t just send unscrupulous financiers to jail. Sometimes, it sends them to death row.

Amid a sweeping cleanup of its financial sector, Vietnam has sentenced three bankers to death in the past six months.

One duo now on death row embezzled roughly $25 million from the state-owned Vietnam Agribank. Their co-conspirators caught decade-plus prison sentences.
 I do not approve of capital punishment, but this whole "Decades-plus prison sentence" thing?  That I wholeheartedly approve.

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