Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Another Candidate for the Dumbest Guy on the F%$#ing Planet.

Who in their right mind would mess with perfection?
Everyone who ever suggested that Sophia Loren get a nose job:
When you were starting out, as hard as it is to believe, some people told you to change your appearance, right?

I always tried not to listen to these people. They were saying that my nose was too long and my mouth was too big. It didn't hurt me at all because when I believe in something, it's like war. It's a battle. But even Carlo said, "You know the cameramen, they say that your nose is too long. Maybe you have to touch it a little bit." And I said, "Listen, I don't want to touch nothing on my face because I like my face. If I have to change my nose, I am going back to Pozzuoli." At that time, they used to do noses like a French nose with a little tip at the end — they liked that. Can you imagine me with a nose like that?

She's still gorgeous in her at 80.

That is nucking futs.

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