Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Mom Once Threatened This

Only it was the threat to hand out a Marxist tract on Atheism, not Church of Satan children's activity book:
The Satanic Temple has responded to an Orange County, Florida decision to disseminate religious materials in public school by creating complementary materials that espouse the philosophy and practice of Satanism.

Last month, a Florida judge ruled that if the Orange County school district allowed Christian groups to disseminate Bibles and Christian-oriented religious materials in its schools, it would also have to allow atheist groups to do the same.

David Williamson of the Central Florida Free Thought Community — who recently fought against Brevard County’s attempt to ban atheists from offering invocations at public meetings — sued the district over its initial unwillingness to allow atheist literature with titles like “Jesus Is Dead” and “Why I Am Not a Muslim” in the schools.

A judge dismissed that case after the school board decided to allow the materials.

The Satanic Temple took advantage of this decision, deciding to flood Orange County schools with a pamphlet entitled The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities [as an aside, it is far less interesting than I had hoped] that contains kid-friendly Satanic lessons.
My mom had a similar experience dealing with the Charlottesville school system, when my little big brother refused to take a bible, he was called a "Heathen," my mom complained, and was told that recent court decisions allowed this.

My mom replied that this would require similar access to hand out the aforementioned Marxist tracts, and superintendent decided that, in the future, no one should hand out religious literature at school.

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