Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Feelings on Scottish Secession

After thinking about it, and analyzing my feelings on this matter, I support the secession referendum.

Basically, I think that the current political situation in the UK, where the Neoliberal consensus and the banksters in the City of London rule will continue to control the political discussion in England, and hence in the UK as a whole.

What this means is that, when in power, the Tories will continue to engage their efforts to do things like gradually privatize the social contract in Britain, and when the "new" (Blairite) Labour is will simply accept the new status quo, and so the policies will ratchet to a Dickensian society, particularly with the cross-party support of things like the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which largely makes privatization irreversible.

The path England has taken is pretty clearly toward continued deindustrialization and further finanacialization, at least until the Vampire Squid finishes sucking what remains out their society, and moves on.

The Tories are pushing inexorably in that direction, and Labor never moves the needle back, they just slow the deterioration for a few years.

In the process, it is clear that the National Health Service (NHS) will move to something very much like the American model for healthcare.

I would consider inflicting our system of healthcare on anyone else to be tantamount to a crime against humanity, and crimes against humanity are a justification for secession.

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