Tuesday, August 26, 2014

James Woods, Democrat for Congress, Who Mails Condoms to Pro-Lifers

The condom

His letter
Abortion criminalizers mail a questionnaire to a Democratic congressional candidate, and he mails them back condoms stamped "Prevent Abortion." How can you not love that?
In response to a letter-writing campaign promoted by an anti-abortion organization, Democratic congressional candidate James Woods is mailing back condoms -- campaign condoms.

The form-letters sent to Woods, who's running for the Congressional District 5 seat currently occupied by Republican Congressman Matt Salmon, asked him to sign a pledge to fully support the "sanctity of life" in a candidate survey from the National Pro-Life Alliance.

"Woods did return the survey, but stood in opposition to the entire platform of the Alliance," Woods' spokeswoman Seráh Blain tells New Times.

The people who mailed this letter to Woods will also be getting some protection in the mail from the Woods campaign headquarters. Woods' campaign also included a letter explaining why he's not going to support the platform of the National Pro-Life Alliance.
This is epic beyond my capacity for to express.

He's a long shot candidate, and he's unopposed in the primary, and he's blind, and he's an atheist, and I'm putting him on Matthew Saroff's Act Blue Page.

Give him money, or you make bunny cry.

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