Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pusillanimous Police, Prosecutors, Punt Penis Pix

Well, it looks like DA and the Cops in Manassas have backed down on their demand to a photograph of a teens genitalia in a sexting case:
Manassas City police said Thursday they would not serve a search warrant seeking to take photos of a 17-year-old boy charged with “sexting” an explicit video to his 15-year-old girlfriend earlier this year.

The teen is facing felony counts of manufacturing and distributing child pornography. As the case was headed to trial last week, Manassas City police and Prince William County prosecutors said in juvenile court that they had obtained a warrant to photograph the teen’s erect penis, in order to compare with the video he allegedly sent in January, according to the teen’s lawyers. When defense lawyer Jessica Harbeson Foster asked how they would obtain a photo of her client while aroused, she said police told her they would take him to a hospital and inject him with a drug to force an erection.

On Thursday, Prince William authorities decided to drop that plan. Lt. Brian Larkin of the Manassas City police said, “We are not going to pursue it.” He said the police planned to allow the search warrant, obtained last week, to expire. He would not say why the decision had been made to abandon the warrant or discuss the reasons for the search.
They would still be going for this, except for the fact that it got ink.

Sunlight is a disinfectant to this sort of vile behavior, and here's hoping that this destroys a few careers in law enforcement.

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