Saturday, May 17, 2014

Profiles in Cowardice

Because just screams Democratic Judicial Nominee
Obama's nominee for the district judge in the 11th circuit, (specifically, the noreth Georgia bench) Michael Boggs, has encountered a lot of resistance from Senate Democrats for his antediluvian attitudes on basically everything.

The latest revelation is that he vowed to oppose gays in the Boy Scouts:

New revelations could create more trouble for President Barack Obama's embattled judicial nominee Michael Boggs.

Boggs, currently a state appeals court judge, apparently ran a staunchly anti-gay campaign for the Georgia state House in 2000. In a flyer from his campaign, obtained by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Boggs vowed: "I oppose same sex marriages, I oppose homosexual Boy Scout leaders, and I support voluntary prayer in schools."

He billed himself as "a conservative Democrat with conservative values" who's running on "Christian values," and suggested he'd have more power and influence as a Democrat given that Democrats were in control of the majority.
His voting record on LGBT rights, abortion, the Confederate flag, etc. is all far right, but somehow or other, Obama saw fit to nominate him for a lifetime position on the court.


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