Monday, April 28, 2014

The Nexus of Sports and Racism, and Clueless Conservative Bloggers

Normally, I would not comment on the the recent racial diatribe of LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling, but the right wing blogs, who have spent the past few years claiming that there is no more racism, decided that the sports mogul is proof that racism does continue to exist ……… in the Democratic Party.

The problem is that none of them bothered to look at his party registration:

Over the weekend, while nation-wide attention was focused on the racist comments reportedly made by Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, some conservative commentators were focused on something else: Sterling's party affiliation.

Specifically, certain conservatives were taking the media to task for supposedly ignoring Sterling's ties to the Democratic Party. But a bit of context was missing. Sterling is a registered Republican.

A search of The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder's website using Sterling's name, date of birth, and address turns up a Republican registration, and the registrar-recorder's office confirmed the information to TPM on Monday. (The initial tip came to TPM from public records compiler eMerges.)


By Monday afternoon, The National Review had updated its piece on Sterling's political ties. The correction read as follows:

"An earlier version of this post identified Sterling as a Democrat. Although his political donations appear to have been exclusively to Democrats, his official party affiliation is not known. A Clippers representative did not respond to requests for his present political affiliation."
You f%$#ed up.  He is a registered 'Phant, and if you had practiced journalism 101, you would have found this out.

Admit it, and move on, wankers.

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