Thursday, February 20, 2014

Liberals Win One vs. Barack Obama

The “Grand Bargain” Is Officially Off the Table by Ed Kilgore | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly:
The White House budget to be released early next month will propose $56 billion in new spending on domestic and defense priorities and drop a proposal that was included in last year's budget as a way to attract Republican support -- a plan that would have included less generous payouts of Social Security benefits.

The budget would aim to reduce the emphasis on austerity that has been the preoccupation of American politics for the past four years and also highlights top Democratic priorities in a year when Democrats hope to save their majority in the Senate.

A White House official said President Obama decided to release a budget that fully represents his "vision," rather than to continue to pursue a fiscal agreement, because Republicans have refused to engage in good-faith negotiations over the nation's top priorities. Obama is planning to pay for fresh spending by closing tax breaks that disproportionately benefit the wealthy.
Make no mistake though, Obama and His Evil Minions REALLY wanted to do this:
………One of the White House’s most poorly kept secrets is that many of Obama’s economic advisers support Chained CPI on the merits………
Because hurting the poors is a good thing, because ……… I can haz bipartisanship!

When the f%$# is the Democratic party going to nominate a Democrat for President?

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