Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's a Busy Night for People I Do Not Want to Piss Off

John Oliver, who I added to the list when he subbed for John Stewart, just unloaded a can of whup ass on the Silicon Valley techholes at the "Crunchies" award:
You already have all the money in the world. Why do you need awards after that? It is absolutely ridiculous. You're no longer the underdogs, it's very important that you realize that. You're not the scrappy people that people get behind. It used to be that people who worked in the tech industry were emotional shut-ins who you could root for. Now those days are gone. You're pissing off an entire city.
He also goes off on Uber, Larry Ellison, the Kristalnacht 1%er, and Uber ……… and Uber.

It's worth the watch.

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