Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I Don't Think that I've Ever Seen Jon Stewart Angrier

John Stewart and Larry Wilmore tear into professional bigot Fox News Legal analyst Andrew Napolitano for rolling out standard grossly KKK/Sons of the Confederacy lies.

Notice that they are both smiling.

They are f5$#ing outraged, and the smiles never leave their faces, and Wilmore draws blood when he compares Napolitano's differing attitudes on the Civil War and the Revolutionary war, "You know, there’s something not right when you feel the only black thing worth fighting for is tea," but he drives a much deserved stake through the anti-tax libertarianism espoused by Napolitano, and Fox, when he says, "You think it’s immoral for the government to reach into your pocket, rip your money away from its warm home and claim it as its own property, money that used to enjoy unfettered freedom is now conscripted to do whatever its new owner tells it to. Now, I know this is going to be a leap, but you know that sadness and rage you feel about your money? Well, that’s the way some of us feel about people."

It's frightening that such a contemptible human being as Napolitano was once a judge.

Just watch.

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