Tuesday, February 18, 2014

As the Punchline Says, "A Good Start"*

In the last 8 months, there have been 12 suspicious deaths, including one suicide by nail-gun to the head & chest with 7 or 8 shots.

There is also a missing financial reporter with the WSJ.

To quote Richard Dreyfuss, "This was no boat accident."

Some of the deaths were clearly suicides, and the intern who died of exhaustion induced seizures is merely deplorable, not suspicious, but some of them, particularly Richard Talley, the nail-gun guy, make you wonder if some of the banksters, or perhaps some of their sketchy clients *cough* Russian Mafia *cough* might be tying up some loose ends.

* This is a reference to the old joke that goes:
               Q: What do you call 5000 dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
               A: A good start!"

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