Saturday, January 18, 2014

Time to Go Back to Using a Bank Teller

Am I the only one who is concerned about the fact that 95% Of ATMs Are Still Using Windows XP?
Who is still using Windows XP, an operating system which is now twelve years old? Other than “everyone’s mom,” the real answer might not be as obvious: the nation’s network of automated teller machines. ATMs all contain computers, of course. Computers are susceptible to malware. Systems running Windows XP may be more susceptible to malware after April 8 of this year, when Microsoft finally ends support and security patches for XP.

Don’t worry: it’s unlikely that the machines will start setting your savings account on fire anytime soon. Yet it boggles the mind to learn that 95% of ATMs in the world run on Windows XP. Still. That number won’t decrease very much after the deadline: one expert told Bloomberg Businessweek that maybe 15% would be upgraded by the deadline.
We are completely f%$#ed.

Has anyone considered secure BSD?  It's free, and it's, you know, not the Petri dish for security exploits that is Microsoft's operating systems.

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