Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do You Think that the Qataris Might Have an Agenda?

A study funded by the government of Qatar has determined that the Assad regime is guilty to "industrial-scale killing".

I'm not surprised by the conclusion, and I'm inclined to agree that it is generally accurate, but it is clear that its provenance is highly suspect.

The Sunni monarchs of the Gulf have long had an agenda of both attacking secular Arab regimes, as well as pushing for Sunni dominance in the Arab world.

And it comes out just as negotiations between the two sides begins.

The people who wrote this report have stellar reputations in the human rights area, one is a former chief prosecutor for Sierra Leone, but the source of the data might, or might not, be akin to "Curveball", whose false testimony was invoked by the Bush administration in their push for the Iraq war:
The defector, who for security reasons is identified only as Caesar, was a photographer with the Syrian military police. He smuggled the images out of the country on memory sticks to a contact in the Syrian National Movement, which is supported by the Gulf state of Qatar. Qatar, which has financed and armed rebel groups, has called for the overthrow of Assad and demanded his prosecution.
Needless to say, I am dubious of the report and the timing.

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