Thursday, January 9, 2014


This is a sign of the apocalypse
I went to UMass from 1983 to 1987.

I got my degree there.

There was a fair amount of weirdness there when I went there.  I imagine that there is still a fair amount of weirdness there now.

At least, there is symmetry.

Still, nothing could prepare me fopr tne news that UMass was rated as having the best college food in the nation.*

I remember eating there.

I remember when my friends ordered pizza delivered to the cafeteria.

I remember when they served chicken pucks.  I remember when they served chicken pucks with tomato sauce and mystery cheese, and they called it "chicken parmesan."  (I called it "scabs", which my table partners did not appreciate.)

What the f%$# has happened to my alma mater?

*And yes, "having the best college food in the nation," is a lot like being the, "World's tallest midget," or being the, "Nation's most ethical Republican."

1 comment:

  1. UMass Amherst... DO you remember the year of Turkey Divan?
