Monday, December 30, 2013

Not Enough Bullets

Image from Because Finance is Boring
If you look at direct and indirect subsidies to the big banks, it appears that taxpayers are paying for the Bankster's bonuses:
Earlier this year, Bloomberg calculated that the top 10 U.S. banks receive a $83 billion a year in subsidies from the government, due to their cheap cost of funding & the preferential treatment creditors give them because they assume the government sees them as TBTF.

In November, a NYT analysis of a Johnson Associates survey found that the top eight U.S. banks set aside $91.44 billion for bonuses in 2013.
Note that this does not include other subsides (hello, Federal Reserve, etc.)

To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson, I'm sick of these motherf%$#ing bonuses in this motherf%$#ing economy.

H/t Crooks & Liars.

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