Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Let Him Pay for His Own Damn Security………

It looks like the taxpayers of New York City will on the hook for $1½ million a year for a security detail:
After he retires as NYPD commissioner, Ray Kelly is going to have a lot of company.

According to Murray Weiss of DNAinfo New York, the NYPD Intelligence Division has recommended Kelly, upon retiring, be provided with a 10-man, 24/7 security detail — an increase from the six-man detail Kelly had requested earlier. The detail will cost taxpayers more than $1.5 million per year and will include three sergeants, one lieutenant and six detectives.

After six months, the department will reassess Kelly’s security needs.
By Ray Kelly's own standards, this is completely unnecessary, since he made the city safe by engaging in racial profiling and intimidation.

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