Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Don't Let the Door Hit Your Ass on the Way Out

An Ultra-Orthodox Knesset member is saying that Heridim will leave Israel if they become subject to universal conscription:
Haredi Member of Knesset Rabbi Yisrael Eichler was interviewed on Army Radio about the situation with the looming draft of haredim and the haredi community leadership’s decision to fight that draft with all its might and the government's decision to force haredi schools to teach some secular core subjects, Yeshiva World reported.

Eichler – who is known for making outlandish statements that slander and smear political and religious opponents – told listeners that if need be, haredim will leave Israel en masse to avoid being drafted.

“The haredi community feels choked by the situation, to the point many are contemplating forfeiting their Israeli citizenship. If you want to rule over us then do so – but regarding education and culture, we must maintain our autonomy, as it has been for the last 3,000 years,” Eichler reportedly said.
(Emphasis miine)

First is the obvious question: Who will take them.

After all, many of them have been doing little but living off the dole while "studying" Jewish religious law.

They have no useful skills that any other country would desire.

Even if they can find a country to take them in, they have been living a lifestyle largely funded by the government subsidies paid them, and working for a living at a real job full time is a lot tougher than they think.

Of course, I'm not sure that they have much to worry about in the near term, because Netanyahu's Likud is completely dependent on the Heredi parties, they have once again put off subjecting Yeshiva students to mandatory military service.

In Judaism, at least, if one is to assume a role of a religious scholar, one is more obligated to full one's basic duties as a citizen, not less obligated.

They should not be allowed to shirk military service.

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