Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wendy Davis is Running for Texas Governor

After her bursting on the national political scene, she has announced that she is running for Governor:
Wendy Davis walked across the stage at the Wiley G. Thomas Coliseum more than 30 years ago to accept her diploma from Richland High School.

On Thursday, she returned to that stage to kick off her bid to become Texas’ 48th governor.

“This is a campaign not just for governor, but for the very future of our state,” the 50-year-old Democratic state senator from Fort Worth said. “Thirty-two years ago, I started my own journey in this room.

“Today, we start a new journey – together,” she said. “It’s a journey that won’t end on Election Day and it won’t end in Austin. As long as we can make our great state even greater, we will keep going.”

Davis gained national fame — and notoriety — from a June filibuster geared to prevent a comprehensive abortion bill from passing, which prompted Democrats throughout the state to encourage her to try to reclaim for their party the governor’s mansion which hasn’t housed a Democrat since Ann Richards left in 1995.
I think that she is facing long odds, but at least she will be competitive, and we won't have a freak show like the 2006 election, which had Carole Keeton Insertlastnamehere and Kinky Friedman running as independents and scoring in the double digits.

It's good for the Texas Democratic Party, even if she does not win.

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