Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What a Bunch of Misogynistic Assholes

In the Washington Post, Neil Irwin looks at the Federal Reserve Chairman selection process, and discovers that the Obama administration is full of a bunch of sexist assholes:

Why don't they like Janet Yellen?
  • She actually has an opinion, "Yellen has a perfectly solid relationship with Bernanke, as best as I can tell, but she’s more of her own thinker within the institution."
    • Because a Fed Chair should not have their own opinions?  (The Fed Chair is supposed to be independent).  I call this the "Uppity Woman" objection.
  • She has never been a part of the Obama "team", as in "They are big on the team player concept, people diving in together to sort through the hard and messy challenges they face……… In the early months of the Obama administration, the same could be said of the group that included Geithner, Summers, Gene Sperling and others who are now influential voices advising the president on the decision."
    • Notice, not a woman in the group.  Romer and Bair were marginalized too.
  •  She is too cautious and well prepared, "A second, and related, reason that Yellen’s leadership style isn’t a great mesh with the Obamaites is also one of her strengths. She is always meticulously prepared, a careful and systematic thinker who chooses her words carefully. In a Fed policy committee meeting or a gathering of international central bankers, she typically scripts herself in advance and reads those prepared comments. ……… She is methodical, not manic."
    • Let me get this straight, they WANT a shoot from the hip, shoot from the hip loose cannon at Fed Chair?   This is the last thing you want from a Federal Reserve Chairman, or for that matter any central banker in any nation.  They are asking for something that would not pass muster for a central banker for Zimbabwe!
  • And then there is concerns about policing bubbles, "Third, the president very clearly frets about the risk of financial bubbles and wants a Fed chief who will be attuned to staving them off."
    • Because Yellen was the first, and the most strident, Fed Governor to warn about the housing bubble.  
It's no wonder that Anita Dunn told Ron Suskind that the Obama administration, "Actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women."(She later denied it, but Suskind had the tape)

And all this is about making Larry Summers the Fed Chair.

Larry Summers, who is pretty much the epitome of, "Does not work well with others," is the guy that Barack wants to head a consensus driven organization.

Larry Summers is bad policy, and its bad politics, and that is ignoring Summers' record of cashing in on Wall Street, which makes him suspect as a regulator.

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