Monday, July 15, 2013

Not a Great Day for Jews

It is Tisha B'Av, the 9th day of the Hebrew month Av, and a small subset of the nasty bits of Jewish history follows:
  1. The report of the spies from Canaan, resulting in the people of Israel spending 40 Years in the Desert.
  2. The destruction of the 1st Temple.
  3. The destruction of the 2nd Temple.
  4. The Romans razed Betar, killing 100,000 Jews.
  5. The Romans plowed the temple mount.
  6. The start of the 1st Crusade.  (You see it as a coming together of Christendom.  I see it as a pogrom with years of murder and rape.)
  7. The expulsion of Jews from England.
  8. The expulsion of Jews from France.
  9. The expulsion of Jews from Spain.
  10. Germany entered the WW I. (Can be legitimately claimed to have directly led to the Shoah)
  11. Formal approval of the "Final Solution" by the Nazis in 1941.
  12. Deportations to Treblinka from the Warsaw Ghetto begin in 1942.
Excuse me while I find something sturdy to cover my head with.

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