Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Damn, This is Weird

There have been rumors of a corruption investigation f Representative Michelle Bachmann for some time. Well, now a senior staffer of hers has been arrested for petty thefts from other Congressional offices.

Have you ever noticed that just before a political figure is frog marched out of the building in handcuffs, their staff starts getting busted for the weirdest crap?

Well, it looks like Bachmann is on the hit parade:
That's Javier Sanchez back in June of this year with his then-boss, Michele Bachmann. [Not bothering with the picture here] They're headed for a closed briefing on the NSA disclosures. Javier Sanchez was a high-level legislative director for Michele Bachmann, assisting her with issues such as immigration reform, the farm bill, and her oxymoronic assignment to the House Intelligence Committee.

On July 11, Mr. Sanchez was arrested on charges that he burglarized several offices belonging to other House members. From news reports, it appears that some thefts took place back in 2012 and others in 2013.
It has been noted that, "Sanchez has been charged with Theft II," which is for amounts less than $1000.00.

If this is the indicator that I think that it is, then Michelle Bachmann is toast.

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