Monday, June 3, 2013

Well, Duh………

Better than ST:TNG
The Writers Guild of America has the original Star Trek series higher than they did Star Trek: The Next Generation:
The Writers Guild of America has announced the 101 best written TV shows of all time, and I would like to draw your attention to a small excerpt from the list:
33. Star Trek

79. Star Trek: The Next Generation
I am not surprised.

In my opinion, the best written SF show around the time of ST:TNG was ALF.

Notwithstanding the fact that Jean Luc Picard might have been a better captain than James T. Kirk, particularly if I were Ensign Liebowitz of Starship Security, the characters never worked as well.

You could see Kirk being adored by the crew, while Picard was distance, intellectual, and sarcastic; the sort of commander who you would call "The Old Man", when he wasn't around.

Spock not wanting to move onto command worked, it was completely absurd for Riker.

And let's not go with the "Ships Counselor", or Wil Wheaton's first turn in the series as the boy genius.

Geebus, it sucked.

As an aside, I am heartened that The Prisoner was on the list as well, though I would have put that at number 1.

1 comment:

  1. There is a fine line between the writting of a script and the acting and directing of a script. You can have a very well written script ruined by poor acting. Usually by the second season you can see writting influenced by the acting so you can only hope to get actors as good as ALF performing your script.
