Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Hope That This is Sincere

It might also just be a realization that it's political poison to piss off minorities even more.

But in either case, the fact that Eric Cantor is calling for speedy legislation to fix the Supreme Court's ruling against the Voting Rights Act is a positive development:
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) reacted late Tuesday afternoon to the Supreme Court's landmark ruling that overturned a centerpiece of the Voting Rights Act.

"My experience with John Lewis in Selma earlier this year was a profound experience that demonstrated the fortitude it took to advance civil rights and ensure equal protection for all," Cantor said in a statement provided to TPM. "I'm hopeful Congress will put politics aside, as we did on that trip, and find a responsible path forward that ensures that the sacred obligation of voting in this country remains protected."
It should be noted that the proverbial devil is in the details here. 

If the teabagger caucus is allowed to get its teeth into this, whatever come out of the house will be deeply ugly.

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