Friday, May 24, 2013

Things that Pundits do Not Understand

To paraphrase Paul Krugman, it's not all about them.

He's right, of course, but I think that he misses the dynamic:  Pundits are supposed to be narcissistic sociopaths.  It's the nature of the medium:
Brad DeLong and Dan Drezner wearily continue the policing of Michael Kinsley. I’ll leave it in their hands. But may I say that there is a serious pundit lesson here — namely, that it’s not about you.
Basically, Kinsley has been on a jihad against Krugman because other people took apart Kinsley's essay on austerity, which was both wrong on the basic history, and fetishized other people's suffering.

I'm not sure why patron saint of dumb-f%$# mindless contrarianism is upset with Paul Krugman, but being wrong is what Michael Kinsley does best.

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