On February 2, Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the US Senate, opened up his 2014 reelection campaign headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky, and in front of several dozen supporters vowed to "point out" the weaknesses of any opponent fielded by the Democrats. "They want to fight? We're ready," he declared. McConnell was serious: Later that day, he was huddling with aides in a private meeting to discuss how to attack his possible Democratic foes, including actor/activist Ashley Judd, who was then contemplating challenging the minority leader. During this strategy session—a recording of which was obtained by Mother Jones—McConnell and his aides considered assaulting Judd for her past struggles with depression and for her religious views.Read the whole thing, and you will find a fairly repugnant bit of immature locker room talk that sounds like your worst stereotypes of drunk College Republicans.
It gets even better, because McConnell called in the FBI, and accused people of bugging his office, though he has walked it back a bit.
Originally, he accused ProgressKY, and now it's the nebulous "political left" that he is accusing of wiretapping him.
In any case, calling in the FBI has turned this from being a minor embarrassment into a case of his being a whiny bitch. Heh.
Here's a hint mother f%$#er, there is something called a cell phone, and many of them can make audio and video recordings.
Just ask Mitt Rmoney about the 47% video.
Here is hoping that whoever runs against you kicks your butt.
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