Monday, April 8, 2013

Just In Case You Wondered if Obama Didn't Want to Gut Social Security

Notice his shout out to Bob (Rubin) who wants to privatize Social Security
This is Obama at the opening meeting for the Wall Street driven "Hamilton Project", and when he says, "too many of us have been interested in defending programs the way they were written in 1938, believing that if we admit the need to modernize these programs to fit changing times."

Notice how he is enthusiastic about the idea of cutting Social Security.

He knows that it involves "throwing momma from the train," so when he says, "This is not a bloodless process," (7:56 in the vid) it ain't his blood, or Bob Rubin's blood that he is talking about.

This is not eleventy dimensional chess.  Obama sees gutting cutting Social Security as a potential bipartisan legacy.

This is what he wants.

H/t Naked Capitalism.

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