Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What Gaius Said

Donating to the DCCC means helping Dems who vote like Republicans:
The DCCC is the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the group of congresspeople and staff supposedly responsible for electing House Democrats. It’s led by “ex”–Blue Dog and New Dem Steve Israel, Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked choice for the job.

We’ve written about Israel before. To the world his job is simply to elect Democrats, but to the moneymen and -women behind the corporate wing of the party, his job is to:
  • Elect corporate Democrats to the House
  • Keep progressives out of office
  • Make sure pro-corporate Republican leaders like Cantor and Paul Ryan never face credible challenges
Seriously.  So long as the national Democratic Congressional election infrastructure, and Congressional election fundraising is dominated by corporatocrats, don't give to them.

Pick and choose your candidates. Don't let these corporate ratf%$3s make that choice for you.

FWIW,  I would give similar advice to Republicans too. 

It's really pretty basic, do your homework, and chose whom you support, don't let the Beltway crowd make your choice.

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