Sunday, March 17, 2013


The New York Police Department has established a policy to conduct criminal background checks on the victims of domestic abuse:
Women who report domestic violence are exposing themselves to arrest under a new NYPD directive that orders cops to run criminal checks on the accused and the accuser, The Post has learned.

The memo by Chief of Detectives Phil Pulaski requires detectives to look at open warrants, complaint histories and even the driving records of both parties.

“You have no choice but to lock them up” if the victims turn out to have warrants, including for minor offenses like unpaid tickets, a police source said.

“This is going to deter victims of domestic violence . . . They’re going to be scared to come forward.”

The directive tells detectives that when they are investigating cases of domestic violence, they should run a search that cross-references all NYPD databases.

Beside warrants, a person’s criminal record and history of making criminal complaints should be checked, the directive says.
I'm beginning to think that the NYPD needs another Knapp Commission a the reforms associated with such an endeavor.  (The whole racial profiling of Muslims thing, and the abuse of protestors comes to mind.)

There is a lot of rot in the force, and it this fish is rotting at the head.

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