Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dick Durbin Wants to F%$3 Us Like a Steubinville Football Player Would

He is proposing a Social Security to "fix" the program:
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin announced Wednesday morning that he will introduce a bipartisan bill to create a Social Security commission tasked with making the program solvent for the next 75 years.


Durbin says the bill would require votes in the House and Senate on whatever the commission proposes.
With no possibility of filibuster, or amendment.

It's another way to accommodate Obama's, and the other Washington, DC "very serious people's", burning need to gut security.

The solution is straightforward. If you lift the cap. It's solvent for at least 75 years.

If you extend the tax to things like capital gains, or at least carried interest, it's solvent basically forever.

I am sick to death of people trying to create yet another cat food commission.*

*In the interest of health, I would suggest that people eat dog food, and not cat food. Cats because they are one of the few true carnivores, do not need the complex carbohydrates and fats that people, and dogs do. As such, dog food is better for you than cat food because it provides carbs and essential fatty acids. A dog can go blind if it is fed on cat food, but a cat lives just fine on dog food. The phenomenon is known as rabbit starvation.

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