Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dick Cheney Pissed off Jon Stewart………

Recently, Dick Cheney was interviewed, and Jon Stewart and his writers had the stomache to listen to listen to him go on and on about how Barack Obama has weakened America.

I now know what that sound I heard earlier, it was the staff of The Daily Show licking their chops.

He notes that Cheney was a sh%$#y vice president, and he was wrong on everything, and followed this by a video medley Grand Moff Cheney's greatest hits, like, "We'll be welcomed as liberators", "There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction," and the ever popular favorite "I think that they are in the last throes of the insurgency."
Even if Obama wanted to take our standing in the world down a peg, he couldn’t, ’cause the Bush-Cheney administration left him with no peg room… the previous administration had left us in a bit of a cash crunch, and by ‘previous administration,’ I mean these motherf%$#ers.

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