Sunday, January 27, 2013

Read Charlie Pierce

He says it all on the recent DC Court of Appeals ruling:
David Sentelle Is A Hack

By Charles P. Pierce

The next time I hear some lefty mooing about the president's having let down the side on something or another, it better be about something of substance, like the Keystone XL pipeline, or I'm going to boot said lefty's hindquarters in the general direction of the federal appeals court of the District Of Columbia, which today laid down the most singular piece of partisan hackery to come out of a court since Antonin Scalia picked the previous president. For precise legal analysis, I'll leave it to Scott at LG&M to explain. This, children, is what you get when you operate politically under the theory that They're All The Same. You get 20 or 30 years of primarily Republican judges acting primarily as Republicans, drawn from the legal chop-shops in the conservative movement bubble, and doing their partisan duty like performing seals.

Read the rest.

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