Friday, January 18, 2013

No Accountability for the Right Wing

Karl Rove just got a 4 year contract extension from Fox News, despite his meltdown on election night 2012:
Politico reports that Fox News has extended Karl Rove's contract through 2016. If the past is any indication, you can expect the network to continue to be used as a fundraising and publicity vehicle for Rove-affiliated outside groups, Republican Party propaganda masked as news analysis, and repeated failure to disclose Rove'sentangled interests.

Rove, the so-called "architect" of President Bush's election wins, was hired as a Fox contributor in 2008.

During his appearances, Fox has frequently failed to inform its viewers that Rove is still an active participant in Republican Party politics -- specifically the creation and operation of American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, his PAC and non-profit, respectively, that spent millions opposing Democrats in the 2010 and 2012 elections.
He called everything wrong, he pissed away millions of dollars given him by right-wing rich chumps, and he ……… gets his paid gig at Fox extended by 4 years.

I wish that I had a job where I could f%$# up this badly, and still get my lucrative contract renewed.

Say what you will about the VWRC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy), but their pay and benefits are pretty damn good.

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