Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tucker Carlson, Your Kung Fu is Weak

Yes, Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller has announced what must be the least poorly sourced and lamest sex "scandal" of this election season (No direct link to his clown show, ever):
Tucker Carlson's website The Daily Caller is taking a shot at the October Surprise game, accusing New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez of soliciting prostitutes while on a trip to the Dominican Republic. According to videotaped interviews with two anonymous women published on the website last night, Menendez agreed to pay the women $500 for sex during a visit to the country earlier this year. They identified the Senator from a picture, but said they were only given $100 after being brought to see him at a fancy resort on the island. A spokesperson for Menendez, who is up for re-election on Tuesday, calls the story "completely false."
Why is this lame? Or, more accurately why is this lame for reasons onther than being "broken" by the Daily Caller?

How about this:
There are also a few other factors working against them in this story, like the fact that Menendez is not married (so there's no infidelity angle), prostitution is technically legal in the Dominican Republic, and the solid Democratic state that he serves is a little distracted by other matters right now. However, Menendez was one of the Senators who called on Secret Service agents that reportedly hired prostitutes in Colombia to be fired.
So, in the worst case, he did not cheat on his wife, and he did not break the law.

What's more, beyond the complaints of the two women, the Daily Caller did not even present evidence that Menendex was in the Dominican Republic at the time alleged.

Seriously, lame.

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