Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I Have an Endorsement for President in 2016

The Honorable Martin O'Malley, governor of the state of Maryland:
He said President Barack Obama’s re-election was a “pretty strong signal” to Republicans that voters want them to drop what he described as “obstructionist” positions on issues such as immigration.

On the fiscal cliff, he said, “I am hopeful that [Republicans] see that writing on the wall and will want to do [a deal] sooner rather than later in order to shed their sort of Tea Party obstructionist stench.
(emphasis mine)

I shook his hand, and exchanged about a dozen words with him at Hanukkah House (It's a Baltimore thing) in 2003, and I thought that he was going to be President one day.

The fact that he's bringing it, I can't imagine another Democrat with national profile using the word, "Stench" to describe his opponents.

We need more of this.

In fact, I want him to choose Alan Grayson as his running mate. (Not gonna happen)

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