Friday, November 9, 2012

F%$# That

Yes, I am quoting Repo Men
John Boehner is say that
tax cuts for the rich should be extended for a year as a start of negociations:
Obama’s proposal is at odds with the position of House Speaker John Boehner, who earlier Friday said all the tax cuts -- including those for the rich -- should be extended until next year to provide more time to work out a bigger deal on taxes and spending cuts.

``I’m proposing that we avert the fiscal cliff together in a manner that ensures that 2013 is finally the year that our government comes to grips with the major problems that are facing us,’’ Boehner said.
I will make a point here: John Boehner cannot be trusted, so tax increases on the rich pigs need to be passed at the start.

I should be clear here:  I do not mean that the Orange Avenger of Congress® is tremendously dishonest by the standards of the Republican party,* but rather that he is incapable of keeping his promises, because is arguably the most incompetent and most ineffectual House Speaker in at least the past 100 years.

If he promises something, get it in your hand before moving on to the next item.

*Which is kind of like saying that he is the world's tallest midget.

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