Monday, October 29, 2012

Yeah, This is How "Balanced" Agreements With the RIAA and MPAA Work

The RIAA and the large ISPs have an agreement to implement a "six strikes" agreement in to limit "piracy".

At the core of this agreement is an “independent and impartial” expert to evaluate evidence against people, but now it appears that this "expert" is an RIAA lobbyist:
A month before the controversial “six strikes” anti-piracy plan goes live in the U.S., the responsible Center of Copyright Information (CCI) is dealing with a small crisis. As it turns out the RIAA failed to mention to its partners that the “impartial and independent” technology expert they retained previously lobbied for the music industry group. In a response to the controversy, CCI is now considering whether it should hire another expert to evaluate the anti-piracy monitoring technology.

Starting next month the MPAA, RIAA and five major Internet providers in the United States will start punishing persistent BitTorrent pirates,

The scheme is being coordinated by the Center for Copyright Information (CCI) who agreed to hire an impartial and independent expert to review the evidence that will be used to accuse suspected subscribers.

However, earlier this week the news broke that the touted independent technology expert, Stroz Friedberg, is not so neutral. In fact, the company is a former RIAA lobbying firm.

The lobbying job earned the company more than half a million dollars ($637,000), which makes it hard to view the company as “independent and impartial” as the agreement between the copyright holders and ISPs requires.
This is why you don't cut deals with the RIAA and the MPAA.

They are not, and have never been, good faith players in this debate.

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