Thursday, October 4, 2012

Eric Falkenstein's Rule Suggests that Janet Napolitano is Corrupt

I have discovered that Janet Napolitano has eschewed email as a matter of policy:
The woman in charge of U.S efforts to make email secure doesn’t use it herself.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Friday copped to keeping her own communications off the grid.

“I don’t have any of my own accounts,” she told a cybersecurity conference hosted by National Journal. “I’m very secure.”

Asked if her reasons for sticking to other forms of communication had to do with concerns about email security, she hedged and said she avoids email for “a whole host of reasons.”
I have, on a number of occasions used the rule of thumb that people who do not are note to be funded:
As Eric Falkenstein observes:
People who meticulously avoid email should not be trusted, because it is simply too calculating, as if they know they are regularly committing crimes. A phone conversation can always be disavowed, you just say you were talking about last weekend's bar mitzvah.
I applied this to Hank Paulson, and it seems to me that it's only fair to apply it to Ms. Napolitano as well.

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